Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Awww :(

Why couldn't this happen when I was in Liverpool street station. Hopefully, when Brian and I go to London this'll happen on our way to and from Ipswich...

Damn you T-Mobile. Now I think your service provider is way more fun than Verizon :(

Monday, January 26, 2009

News Resolutions etc.

Wow, I should really write on here more. What a waste of webspace I have been. I booked my tickets for England (well Brian did) so I have something other than graduation to look forward to. I've bee looking into freighter travel too, it's cheap and you get to travel for like 55 days with all meals (and alcohol) included for like $1700. That's practically chump change*. SO now that the new years has past (like almost a month ago) I decided to list my resolutions to an uncarring world, and by uncarring I mean that I'm the only one who reads this. Ok here it goes.

1. Do my graduate school
2. Enter lots of poetry contests. Any one I can get into.
3. Write more on here!
4. Write more in general.
5. Keep up the weight loss. 30 lbs. gone and many more to go :(
6. Surf more and go to the beach more.
7. Travel more, even if it's just a weekend thang.
8. Go hiking in blue ride mountains.
9. Go to Miami in the winter time.
10. Keep working out so I don't get my fat ass laughed out of Miami.
11. Call my Nana more.
12. Keep in touch with my cousins more. I miss them terribly!
13. Read some damn books (I'm a terrible english major)
14. Write at least 100 poems this year.
15. Cook dinner more often.
16. Spend more time with the cats.
17. Save mah mullah
18. Stop being so damn worried that I'm going to make an ass of myself.
19. Watch movies I should have seen 10 years ago.
20. Wash my car outside in the summer.
21. Stop stressing.
22. Keep up the French. I'm sure it'll come in handy one day.
23. Stop playing with my damn eyebrows!
24. Stop being a chicken shit and getting my legs waxed.
25. Hang out with my friends more.
26. Make some more friends (not that there's anything wrong with the ones I have now!)
27. Find the PERFECT sunless tanner and learn how to color my hands so they're not a different color from the rest of my body
28. Grow out this ugly ass haircut.
29. Find interesting blogs that I like.
30. Try and get more than myself to read this blog.
31. Run a 5k.
32. Go to some concerts!
33. Drink wine**
34. Eliminate high fructose corn syrup from the house!
35. Take more pictures.

Well that's all for now. I've got my work cut out for me this year. In all seriousness, all of this could easily be done in 365 days. 8,760 is a lot of hours to get something done. Well that is about all. I'm off to workout (yay...) and I WILL be updating this regularly. Later Gator

* Chump change is a great saying that needs to be said more often
** my beef with wine is that I always think it's going to taste like grape juice and even though I've probably had wine 20+ times I always have the preconception that wine=grape juice. This is not the case...

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Back in the US...A?

I'm back from my Christmas trip to the UK and I'm already itching to go back. I love that place! I'm thinking the end of May I'll be returning with my bf. I don't have much to talk about, I'm about to go out to eat. I'll have to catch up later!!