Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why is it that Brazilians are like genetically predestined to be 9483579876048576 hotter than everyone else ever and British people are world renowned for being, lets not beat around the bush, butt ugly? It's not fair! Whatever, I just got out of class and I'm contemplating either working out or taking a nap. I haven't been sleeping well so I'm super tired so I should probably nap, PLUS I already took a shower. I should really workout thought because the people downstairs love to bang on the ceiling whenever the floor makes the faintest squeak when I'm trying to work out, BUT for them smoking weed and having wild parties every weekend is fine for them. Only four more days until Brian gets back! I'm glad I won't be by myself anymore, I feel like a hermit locked up in this apartment from 5pm to 9am. Tomorrow I'm going surfing for the first time in a long time and its supposed to rain :( oh well, we'll be int he water anyways! Well I've made up my mind that I'm napping so later people(s)

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