Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It's been a while, but blogger was being an a-hole and not letting me see any of the icons at the top of my post box thingy. Shame on you blogger! Anywho, I was on spring break for the past two weeks, one from work, one from school. I spent most of that time working out and making food. My two most notable dishes were pancit and curried lentil soup mainly because I made like 2 gallons each:

Pancit! Curried Lentil soup!

I've actually lost like 3 lbs. since my diet and workout streak and Saturday I'm running the Shamrock 8k at the beach at 8 AM! What the hell! If you're going to make me run for 5 miles at least let me sleep in. Other than that I have really bad senioritis. I have no motivation to do anything; it's awful. Only 1 1/2 months until I graduate AND I have to wait to see if I get into grad school which is just enough to not sleep well at night. At lest one of my Closed Pin Pro. films made it to the film festival. Well I hate to cut it short but I need to go my asian history class (ugh< to the people in the class, not the subject matter).

PS- Will Jenna Fischer and John Krasinski just get married for real? I mean it's about damn time.


Unknown said...

Jenna Fischer is already married to (the immensely successful and not a joke in any way) James Gunn. Duh.

Emily B said...

They got divorced like a BAJILLION YEARS AGO!

Unknown said...

She's available...?