Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I'm coming out...

No, I'm not a lesbian, but I am leaving my denial behind and coming out and saying, I am the fat friend. It sucks to say it, but the more and more I think about it, the more it adds up. I went shopping with one of my best friends last night and I didn't buy anything but a sweater because everywhere we went didn't even carry my size. It was a horrible feeling, even though I've lost close to 25lbs in the past 6 months, I still feel like the same fat Emily I was in April. It sucks when you've worked your butt off dieting and exercising everyday only to still be too big to wear cool things. I don't have nice clothes, just things I call my "transition" clothes which I just bought hoping I'd lose some more weight which are now either too big or a bit small. The worst is not being able to wear those super cute boots with the skinny jeans tucked in because a.) skinny jeans and fat people are a match made in hell and b.) they don't make boots for people with ginormous calves. Since I've been working out my calves are now like solid muscle and huge! It's irritating. Especially when your thin friends are unhappy with their size 7 and constantly talk about how they wish they were skinny and what diets they're on and they already wear a 4. It sucks, it makes me want to cry. I feel like an idiot even talking about this to the whole freaking world because I'm absolutely positive that no one gives a crap anyways so I guess I'll quit my rant. I just needed to get it out so I could move onto becoming the "not-fat friend".

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