Wednesday, December 3, 2008


So, someone get this straight for me; for the past like 4 years I've been hearing that Ugg style boot are out of style (I prefer to call them fuzzyboots). Now I sheepishly hide mine at my parents house until it gets really cold and I bring them to my apartment and ONLY wear them as slippers. But of course it never fails, EVERY year everyone and their grandma is walking around in their fuzzyboots! Don't get me wrong, I love my fuzzyboots to death (even they're missing a lot of fuzz) I got a pair of emu's when they first became popular, but I never know when they're out of style or not! I guess they're just not the "trend" people thought they would be because everybody sells them and everybody still wears them! Make up your minds people! Knowing me I'll end up wearing them years after they've fallen off the fashion radar. I'm kind of a late bloomer when i comes to fashion trends; I JUST bought leggings and started wearing long necklaces. I also own only one pair of skinny jeans, but they stretch out and just become slouchy and ugly. Whatever, my point is that I just want to be absolutely sure that it's sociably acceptable for me to wear my fuzzyboots, because I'll say it loud and proud: I LOVE MY FUZZYBOOTS!

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