Thursday, May 7, 2009


Well, not quite yet, but Saturday I will be as good as done with my undergraduate coursework! FINALLY. The five-year plan is over! It's been a week of nothing but thunderstorms and it's been a bit depressing, but it helped me finish my final projects and get some reading done. I've been reading up on how faulty biochemistry effects your metabolism and I've decided to go off sugar as much as possible. It's just not good for you. I love this channel on YouTube called Underground Wellness. The host always has great advice and I've started reading some of the books he's recommended and so far they're good stuff. I also got a new heart rate monitor (polar f6) and the first time I used it I didn't hit the right button and it didn't track my workout which was really upsetting. Today I'm going to do Jillian Michaels "Blast Fat, Boost Metabolism" video with it on to see how many calories I'm really burning!

In a perfect world I would be really cool and dress like Natasha Khan (Bat For Lashes)

There are few who can pull off peacock feathers and not look like a whore or a decorative wall fan.

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